Leaving a legacy to
Just Whippets Rescue
Leaving a legacy in your will is one of the best ways of ensuring that we can continue our valuable work. Nearly all of our work is paid for by donations. A gift in your will, however small or large, can help ensure we can always be here for all whippets and can help them as much as possible, paying vet bills is our largest expense.
By making a Will you can ensure that your wishes, and the people and causes you care about, are provided for. After providing for your family and friends remembering us in your will means that we will be able to carry on the work of supporting abandoned and unloved whippets. By leaving a gift to Just Whippets Rescue in your Will you can shape the future, ensuring that we are always here for all whippets even after you are no here- your legacy will live on.
Every single gift is vital to Just Whippets Rescue and we appreciate any gift you may choose to leave us. Whatever the value of your gift, it will go a long way to help whippets who needs us.
"We do not employee staff or use your money for investing, so you rest assure that your money will be used for whippets in need."
It will not cost you a penny during your lifetime. It is simple to do and is free from inheritance tax. All gifts, whatever their size make a real difference. It truly is a gift of a lifetime.
We thank you in advance for making a generous, thoughtful contribution. Your gift will make a lasting and positive difference to all whippets in need.
Using our FREE WILL service, you can make a Will at no cost to yourself.
Thank you
Leaving Your Whippet To Us
Please take some time to consider the future of your whippet when you are no longer around to look after him/her.
We can look after your whippet once you are gone. We can find him/her a loving new life long home following your instructions, your dog would be cared for in a loving foster home while we do this. Don’t worry, your whippet will not be placed in kennels.
Your legacy can also help to ensure we continue working towards helping more whippets.
Please consider including a small legacy to Just Whippets Rescue when you are thinking about making your will.
For more information please speak to us in person 0845 625 6211 or complete the 'Email Form' below. We will then send you out by email or post our ‘Leaving a Legacy’ brochure.
Just Whippets Rescue recommend you take professional guidance and advice when making and/or updating a Will.
Here for your whippets, here for you.